Friday, January 15, 2010
The Wizards' Scroll part7
Captain Ireselan of the Sharn Watch, and member of the Aurum, had a very nice office, probably much nicer than the offices of some of his superiors. The wooden floors were covered in expensive furs from the Riedra Mountains, and the walls showcased several very expensive pieces of art, if Quinten was any judge, and all of them horrifically ugly in garish shades of brown and orange and red. Quinten tried not to look at the tortured scenes too closely. Cloying incense filled the small room with wreathes of smoke.
"You've toned it down a bit," Quinten commented.
"You like the paintings? From Scheller. It is said that he gazed into the Demon Wastes, and the insanity it caused drove him to genius."
"I don't much care for Karnathi art, myself, but I can see how you would enjoy it." Quinten breathed shallowly, trying not to smell the incense. He gestured toward the door and the waiting guards of the Sharn watch outside. "Does the Watch know of your affiliations?"
"They are aware that I associate with some of the richest art collectors in Sharn, a few of which owe me favors." The elf's gaze was predatory. "Do your friends know as much about you?"
Quinten kept silent for a moment, seemingly not paying attention to the captain. Finally, after a few minutes of trying not to look the painting in front of him, he turned. "So, Ireselan, to what do I owe this unexpected suprise."
The Captains' face twitched in annoyance, irked that Quinten called him by name instead of his honorary title. He bared his teeth in a close approximation of a smile. "Oh come now, Quinten, I'm sure this comes as no surpise. You didn't actually think the Covenant was done with you did you?"
"My family doesn't much care for my current profession, and I don't care much for the associations they keep." Quentin paced across the room slowly, picking up a small statue of a dying soldier. He grimaced and put it down. "I thought I made it quite clear that I was not interested in joining, and I've devoted quite a bit of effort into making myself useless to you."
"We are, of course, aware of your attitudes. Shame, really, that such a promising youth as yourself could be corrupted by such petty ideals." The elven captain sat in a large velvet chair, not really caring about what he said. "However, you are where we need you at the moment, and we will not waste this opportunity. We are prepared to offer you a deal. Complete this one mission for us, and in return you will be formally extradited from the Aurum Covenant. All previous associations, contacts, and benifits of said Covenant will be completely removed. It will be as if you had never joined."
"I'm already on a mission."
"That is precisely the point. Your employer, the wizard Teterine, found some very interesting documents in Thrane, documents that might cast a bad light on the Aurum, where they to be published. He knows we have people watching him, which is probably why he sought a merc company to obtain the items, instead of going after them himself."
"And you want me to hand these papers over to you?" Quinten eyed the elf.
"We would rather they were never found at all." Captain Ireselan spread his hands wide, "It is quite possible that these documents were destroyed during the destruction of the city. A severe loss to the wizard, I am sure, but no fault of your own."
"It will look bad to my men if we 'lose' some of the things we were sent to find. Especially with the higher pay involved in recovering them."
"The Aurum are of course aware of these details, and are willing to make it worth your time, if you accept. If not," The Captain continued, "I am afraid we may have to send another team in after the documents, which might conflict with your own men. Loss of life is sure to occur, and we don't want any of that unpleasantness, do we?"
"If I accept, then the Aurum formally renounce me. I won't be contacted for any more little jobs, and our compensation doubles the price the wizard was willing to pay on completion." Quinten looked down at his hands, twisting his ring, around his finger. He family crest, a black eagle on a verdant field, stared back at him. "After this, there is no further association."
"I am quite frankly amazed you are not merely being assasinated, but your grandmother holds quite a bit of sway in some circles." Ireselan nodded. "I believe we can arrange for that." Quinten wasn't sure if he was talking about the assasination, or the double pay.
"You never did like me, Ireselan. How do I know you aren't just setting me up? How do I know this is official Aurum business?" He smirked, "It would be just like you, a member of the Copper Ring, to try to pass yourself off in this manner."
"I assure you, it is purely by misfortune that I am the poor victim they asked to take your leash. Although I wear the Copper, I expect a promotion soon. In any event, they did not see fit to send anyone of higher status for such as yourself." Ireselan pulled a small, folded red parchment from his coat pocket. "Here is the notary of the agreement."
Quinten took the paper, scanning it quickly for forgery, and then once more, closely, checking the fine print.
Finally, he looked up. "I accept."
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
The Wizards' Scroll Part6
Kol looked over at his companions as they walked. Han still had a smile on his face, not fully comprehending the situation. Quentin still led them in their circle, made up of the city watch. Kol could tell he was analyzing everything without letting anyone know he was doing it. Only Quentin could still lead a group and look lazy while doing it- as if he didn’t care what happened next. Then Kol turned his head and looked up so that he could see Valasar.
As Kol looked at Valasar he noticed that many of their guards looking at him as well. No doubt they had heard stories of deadly jungle lizardmen, who would devour the still beating hearts of their victims. The Watch had probably never come in contact with a lizardman before, and never one that matched Valasar’s description. Easily head and shoulders taller then any of the guards, each of his footsteps were sure and his head was held high. It almost seamed like Valasar wasn’t a prisoner at all but that the Watch was a guard of honor. Thank goodness they had let Valasar put back on his cloak. It was able to hide his appearance and most importantly his five foot long tail.
Just as Kol was sure that Valasar was full of confidence, he noticed the back of his cloak try to rise at the neck. It was now Kol’s turn to smile with his brother. Valasar wasn’t as confidant as he seemed- the frill on the back of his head, made up of elongated scales, kept trying to raise a tale tell sign. Valasar was nervous.
"Its okay, Valasar." Kol said "There's nothing to worry about." Valasar paused a step. He looked down at Kol and gave and appreciative nod.
"It's not like these bellheads could do anything anyway." Han laughed, "No offense, guys." That got Han plenty of dark looks from the guards. Valasar just looked at him, head cocked to one side in confusion.
As they continued to walk, Kol noticed the canine was leading them, closely followed by the elf. The dog would stop at the mouth of an ally and sniff and then for some unknown reason he would either go down it or choose a different path. As time wore on Kol recognized that each path the dog chose was usually deserted with few to no witnesses to see them pass. Obviously the elf did not want to be seen. Kol wondered if Quentin saw this too, but was not about to point it out to him. Instead he contented himself with looking at the sights of Sharn.
The city of towers, it deserved its nickname. On both sides of the party buildings rose to great heights. When passing over a sky bridge one had to be careful not to look over the side, if you didn’t have a head for heights you would lose your lunch. They had been attacked on the lower levels of the city, where poorer part of the citizens lived their. It was usually damp and dirty. As you went up city levels so did the money in ones' purse until the elite lived quite comfortably at the top, ignoring the fact that the city even had lower levels. Kol looked around and, judging where they were, they had to be at least twenty levels higher than they were before. Just then they thankfully came to a stop in front of a building that had WATCH in bold letters over the door. The elf promptly went inside and our party followed.
"You three are to go down their and be questioned by the teller." the elf said pointing to an open space that faced a tall elaborate desk on a riser. "And you, Quentin, I will question personally." with that the elf and Quentin disappeared into an office.
Kol, Han, and Valasar stood in front of the desk expectantly. Kol wondered what the captain and Quentin had to talk about alone, and then he wandered how the elf knew Quentins' name.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
The Wizards' Scroll part5
The other goblins, stymied by the call, surged in on the four travelers. Quinten managed to leap out of the way, but not before getting kicked randomly in the jaw from one of the drunken little monsters. “Don’t draw your weapons!” He yelled to his comrades. No use getting the city watch involved.
Valasar was already covered by three of the buggers, including the first one, but in a sweeping movement he twisted his whole body into a sideways flip, shaking two of them off and swiping the third with his tail. He back flipped into an open area of the street, giving himself more room, but already five more were rushing him with hoarse cries of mixed Common and Dakaani.
The twins, veterans of many bar fights, had their backs to each other, moving in perfect harmony, kicking and punching with expert precision. The goblins around them fell, one, three, six of them. Kol threw one over his shoulder that Han caught, without looking, and pitched into two others.
Quinten wasn’t having the easiest time of it, either. He managed to get out of the main fight and roamed the edges, picking off the ones that seemed about to overwhelm his friends, but one of the goblins, husky and almost five feet tall, came at him with a short sword. He charged forward, and Quinten pushed his head down so that he fell onto the cobblestones, and then twisted the goblins’ arm around until he had to drop the weapon.
More goblins, poured into the streets, hearing the commotion. They immediately joined the others in fighting, and Quinten groaned in frustration. Valasar was a whirlwind of scales, punching the goblins at pressure points. They didn’t get up again. The twins were backed up against a wall. Quinten managed fought his way next to them and yelled “We’re going to have to make a run for it!” over the din of the shouting, enraged goblins.
Just then a whistle blew, and suddenly the goblins scattered back into the little corners they had seeped from only moments before. A group of soldiers wearing the insignia of the Sharn Watch were thundering towards them, waving short swords. Soon the four of them were surrounded, as well as a few goblins that hadn’t been quick enough in escaping. Quinten frowned. The Watch didn’t normally come down this low into the city. Something was up. The elf captain of the Watch shouldered forward from among his troops, a large black dog with bright green eyes pacing around his steps.
Quinten smiled and stepped forward. “Thank you, gentlemen, we were in a tight spot there. If you hadn’t stopped by-“
“You’re still in a tight spot, kid. Rioting in the streets. Disturbing the peace. We’re taking you in.”
Kol and Han started grumbling in protest, and Valasar shifted his weight, slightly. It was a subtle movement, but Quinten caught his eye and shook his head, no.
“I’m certain we can get this thing worked out, Captain.” Smiling, he allowed the guards to bind his hands, and motioned for the others to do the same. As they were led away, he glanced back, and caught sight of the captain handing two silver coins to that first goblin, the one who had started everything with the cry of murder, before they were led around a corner and back up to the higher levels of the city.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Wizards' Scroll Part4
Han looked up in time to see fifteen or twenty goblins spill out into the street from one of the rundown stores. He couldn’t help but put on his most ridiculous smile. The party of goblins had obviously been enjoying a late night. Many had one hand on a companions shoulder, the other stuck to the side of their head, and a grimace of pain on their faces. Most of the goblins, however hadn’t even gotten that far. They approached Hans' small group on unsteady legs, the odor of cheep ale proceeding them.
Now everyone was paying attention to the green crowd slowly moving towards them. Valasar hunched his shoulders and bent his head down, trying to appear as small as possible. It was such a funny sight Han almost laughed out loud. It would have been funny seeing anyone that topped seven feet look small, and especially if that person was Valasar.
Quinten made a small motion with his hand, signaling the rest of the group to do nothing. He took the lead and kept walking straight on their previous course. The rest of the group fell in behind him. The green crowd parted before them, going to either side of the party as they continued on. Just then Han and his friends had to stop or run over the goblin that had placed himself right on there path.
He looked at the group through blood shot eyes, trying to take them all in. Of the two goblin types this one was part of the former- not quit to the headachey part yet. Han almost felt sorry for the guy; he probably didn’t know what to make of them. Then things got worse as he proceeded in the labor intensive process of trying to describe Han and his friends in drunk. Thank goodness it was in Common.
"Why ish yse her?" he leaned toward the group trying to focus his eyes. "Yursh not all human."
By this time all the goblins had stopped and where now looking at the small group.
"I assure you comrade that although we are not all completely human we are all friends." Quinten said with a smile.
"Ur not human, ursh one of thosh Mandashy ur a Mendeshe ur one of thosh half-elves." Han didn't know if the goblin even heard what Quinten said to him.
"Right you are, friend- I am Mendanesti. Now, if you could excuse us we have to be going." It was always impressive what Quinten could take in stride. But this goblin was too fuzzy in the head to hear what he said.
"Wize thier two of yo?" the goblin said peering intently at Kol. At this Han couldn’t keep it in any longer and laughed out loud. He got a dirty look from everyone for it.
"My fine sir, these are twins, of course they look the same, but if you would please let us pass we really do need to get going."
"Why you ush sush big words, whosh the tall one?" the goblin said peering past Quinten and up at Valasar trying to see inside his hood.
At this another goblin came to the group's rescue. Walking up from behind them, he said to the other goblin, "Now Tarash jusht let them go, their frindsh."
He reached up high to pat Valasar on the shoulder. Instead, he slipped and the hand that was going to pat Valasar grabbed his cloak instead, pulling it free. There Valasar stood in all his resplendent glory. Seven feet and three hundred pounds of copper lizardman.
Monday, January 4, 2010
The Wizards' Scroll part3
Valasar was suprized when Quinten suggested he come along, and despite himself his tail flicked with pleasure.
Valasar wasn't comfortable in Sharn. The city was crowded and loud, with buildings like trees that stretched forever in the sky, held there by some strange magic. These soft people lived stacked on top of each other, like termites in a mound, all bustling and largely unpleasant. He longed for the open forests of home.
"So, where is this village, anyway?" Han asked Quinten. He walked a little behind and to the right of Quinten as they left the small apartment that served as Company headquarters. His brother Kol shadowed the left.
"We'll take the freeroad to Sterngate. It's a couple dozen miles to the northeast of there." Quinten said casually.
"Woa, in Thrane? Do they know we're looting an old village of their's?" Han looked nervous, an expression unusual to his face.
"It's not looting, it's salvaging. The wizard is an ex-patriot of Thrane who works at the Morgrave University."
"So they don't know." Han shook his head and laughed. "You didn't tell the Captain that part of it, did you?"
"Relax, it's up in the mountains, no one's gone there in years. As long as we keep a low profile, no one will care." Quinten said as he led the group down, down to the harbor. The streets were getting more crowded. Valasar wrapped his cloak more tightly around his scaily head. In this quarter of the city, the residents were often unfreindly, green-skinned beings, that the soft people called goblins. It was wise to avoid attention.
"That's what they said in Quebra." Kol commented. These soft people used strange voice tones, that seemed to change the meanings of the words. It was difficult for Valazar to catch the meaning, at times.
"Thrane, Morgrave, Sterngate? What are these places?" Valasar was cocked his head to one side and glanced at Quinten.
The leader of the group looked back and smiled, a movement that involved revealing the teeth and narrowing the eyes, meant to be reassuring. "Sorry, Scales, sometimes we forget you're not from the Continent. Sterngate, where we are headed, was a military outpost during the War. It marks the border between Breland, where we are, and Thrane."
"And the tribe of Thrane would not let us trespass on their territory." Vasalar nodded. "So we must be cautious."
The Wizards' Scroll part2
Quinten sighed, inwardly glad the Captain was at last hearing what the quest was about. He repressed a smile as he went on to explain how easy this job was.
"Well you see some big head honcho wizard wants us to find some scrolls for him"
"Yes, there’s a village a couple of days walk from here that was destroyed in a raid during the war. There was a small local library in the town that held some scrolls for the local wizards guild. All he wants us to do is go to the village see if there is anything left of the library, and if there is he wants us to bring it back to him."
"It's that easy." Cassandra turned back to the papers on her desk and began to move them around with her finger."Why doesn’t this wizard go check it out for himself? Why is he just giving it to us to handle?"
"Hetal, my gnome friend, said that it’s a personal interest to the wizard and that the wizard is too busy with Councel business right now to go check himself. Also, Hetal told him that he knew a mercenary company that could handle it for him just fine."
Cassandra pursed her lips and sat completely still with her hand still on her desk. Quinten knew he had to win her over. Maybe most of the company was used to being poor and not having food every now and then but he wasn’t, and he wasn’t about to start.
"Look Captain, all we have to do is go and check out this town to see if this library is still their. If it's there we bring back some scrolls back and get a bonus. If it's not there and everything is ruined we still get paid. It’s a win-better win situation and we are lucky it came to us first."
Cassandra looked Quinten up and down. Leaning forward she rested her head on her hand before responding. "All right Quinten. I'll put you in charge of this one. Take five others with you. But ask them if they want to go first."
"You got it captain." Turning around he started to exit the room. Just then the Captain added one more thing.
"You might want to consider taking Valasar with you. I think he’s a little bit... confined at the moment. This would be good for him."