Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Wizards' Scroll Part6

Kol looked over at his companions as they walked. Han still had a smile on his face, not fully comprehending the situation. Quentin still led them in their circle, made up of the city watch. Kol could tell he was analyzing everything without letting anyone know he was doing it. Only Quentin could still lead a group and look lazy while doing it- as if he didn’t care what happened next. Then Kol turned his head and looked up so that he could see Valasar.

As Kol looked at Valasar he noticed that many of their guards looking at him as well. No doubt they had heard stories of deadly jungle lizardmen, who would devour the still beating hearts of their victims. The Watch had probably never come in contact with a lizardman before, and never one that matched Valasar’s description. Easily head and shoulders taller then any of the guards, each of his footsteps were sure and his head was held high. It almost seamed like Valasar wasn’t a prisoner at all but that the Watch was a guard of honor. Thank goodness they had let Valasar put back on his cloak. It was able to hide his appearance and most importantly his five foot long tail.

Just as Kol was sure that Valasar was full of confidence, he noticed the back of his cloak try to rise at the neck. It was now Kol’s turn to smile with his brother. Valasar wasn’t as confidant as he seemed- the frill on the back of his head, made up of elongated scales, kept trying to raise a tale tell sign. Valasar was nervous.

"Its okay, Valasar." Kol said "There's nothing to worry about." Valasar paused a step. He looked down at Kol and gave and appreciative nod.

"It's not like these bellheads could do anything anyway." Han laughed, "No offense, guys." That got Han plenty of dark looks from the guards. Valasar just looked at him, head cocked to one side in confusion.

As they continued to walk, Kol noticed the canine was leading them, closely followed by the elf. The dog would stop at the mouth of an ally and sniff and then for some unknown reason he would either go down it or choose a different path. As time wore on Kol recognized that each path the dog chose was usually deserted with few to no witnesses to see them pass. Obviously the elf did not want to be seen. Kol wondered if Quentin saw this too, but was not about to point it out to him. Instead he contented himself with looking at the sights of Sharn.

The city of towers, it deserved its nickname. On both sides of the party buildings rose to great heights. When passing over a sky bridge one had to be careful not to look over the side, if you didn’t have a head for heights you would lose your lunch. They had been attacked on the lower levels of the city, where poorer part of the citizens lived their. It was usually damp and dirty. As you went up city levels so did the money in ones' purse until the elite lived quite comfortably at the top, ignoring the fact that the city even had lower levels. Kol looked around and, judging where they were, they had to be at least twenty levels higher than they were before. Just then they thankfully came to a stop in front of a building that had WATCH in bold letters over the door. The elf promptly went inside and our party followed.

"You three are to go down their and be questioned by the teller." the elf said pointing to an open space that faced a tall elaborate desk on a riser. "And you, Quentin, I will question personally." with that the elf and Quentin disappeared into an office.

Kol, Han, and Valasar stood in front of the desk expectantly. Kol wondered what the captain and Quentin had to talk about alone, and then he wandered how the elf knew Quentins' name.

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