Sunday, January 9, 2011

It Was all Part of the Plan

The coin never had a chance to fall

“Man I love it when I come back and find money falling from the sky.” Han stepped through the still glowing gateway made by the solider singing. In one hand held high he clasped the coin with the other he supported the still week Quinten. They both came through the gateway followed by Kol supporting Quinten on the other side and staring back the way they had come holding a throwing knife in his free hand.

No sooner than they had crossed the threshold than Ireselan came followed by the rest of his men at arms. They immediately went to the corner were the rest of his the men at arms were huddled. Their undead guards still very intent on their duties let them through without seeming to notice. When they reached the center of the group of men at arms they collapsed and the other men at arms surrounded them from view. Heljah came through the gateway with a face of murder looking the way that Iresalen went followed closely by Valasar caring the wounded soldier.

Sorn rushed over to Kols group to see if there was anything he could do. They were all pale and white washed. Their skin looked lifeless and Sorn was afraid that he was just seeing more animated ghosts. He noticed they were all covered in blood. Kol and Han looked like they still had steady legs but it looked like it was taking all of Quintens willpower to stay awake. For some reason the skeletons were still standing to attention waiting. Not thinking about it too much Sorn commanded one to go off and find a medical kit. Sorn than directed Kol and Han to the opposite corner of the room followed closely by an ashen looking Heljah and a very gray looking Valasar still carrying the wounded man at arms. The rest of the skeletons moved in creating another wall of bone bodies between them and the men at arms.

“Get out of my way that’s my brother.” Tomas said trying to push past the skeleton guards. They paid him no mind, just stood there waiting for Sorns command. Tomas was the only man at arms not with Ireselans group in the corner. “Let me through.”

“Let him pass.” Sorn told the white guards. Kol and Han had sat Quinten down leaning him up against the wall then sat down on either side of him. There was now a slight tinge of health in there cheeks that Sorn had not noticed before. Heljah went down onto one knee and took large grateful gulps of air. Valasar sat the Man at arms that he was carrying against the wall and started to look at his leg. By that time a skeleton came forward with a heavy medicine box. Sorn dived into it grabbing bandages and cleaning supplies and set about helping his friends with their wounds. Tomas came through the undead guards and knelt beside the wounded man at arms.

“What happened to my brother? Is he ok?” Tomas asked. Valasar looked down at him with a confused expression.

“Is this a kind of human joke?” He looked over at Heljah. “I do not understand.”

Tomas looked at Valasar as if seeing him for the first time. A look of pure terror was on his face. Sorn was not surprised by that most people looked at Valasar like that. This was about the most Sorn paid attention to their conversation. He unrolled the bandages and started to bandage up Quintens arm where he had just wiped away the blood. None of the wounds looked very serious or deep but there were dozens of them. Han and Kol looked shaken and gray faced but Quinten looked ready to pass out. Quintens eyes kept fluttering open and closed and he looked like he was only half aware of what was going on.

Sorn noticed Valasar insert his claw into the hole of the soldiers pant leg. He quickly made a perpendicular cut around the thigh so that the excess pant leg bunched up around the soldiers boot. That’s when the soldier’s older brother took over for Valasar almost pushing him out of the way to get to his fallen brother. Valasar didn’t seem to mind he just went into a crouch and looked at the young soldier as if at a puzzle. Heljah the least hurt of the whole party, manly due to her heavy armor, started to bandage up the gash running down Valasars side.

“whats wrong with Quinten what happened to you on the other side of that gateway?” Sorn asked as he took care of them.

Han and Kol shot nervous glances at Quinten and then over at the group of Ireselans men. Loud cursing and heated talk came from that side of the room. Then they begin to tell their story and it was all Sorn could do not to listen with an open mouth. They asked about what had happened here and as Sorn began to explain he noticed something very strange. The skeletons still stood to attention waiting another command. According to the lich they should all be gone released from their curse. Sorn became aware of his hand tightening on the bone scepter. Fully aware that he did not want to see them go and be left in a room with hostile men at arms and more than half of his friends out of commission.

Kol leaned his head back against the wall taking large breaths before he talked. “What are we going to do now?” he asked no one in particular. “And how did we even end up here.”

There was movement on the other side of the room that drew everyone’s eyes. Ireselan was getting to his feet starring in their direction. A cold smile played across his face as he saw there predicament. “If you want to know how everyone ended up here why don’t you ask your fearless leader? It was Quinten who came up with this whole idea to begin with.”

Kol Han Soren Heljah and Valasar looked over at Quinten whose only answer to this accusation was to pass out.

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